LAPO Mehta Hollywood Bowl

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The Financial Times, “Music on the West Coast” by Dominic Gill
24 May 1972
Roger Woodward’s US debut performances

The article covers a series of New Music concerts at UCLA where Zubin Mehta directed the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.  Roger Woodward’s debut performance program was a mixture of a recital of modern music - Australian Richard Meale’s Coruscations, Japanese Toru Takemitsu’s Undisturbed Rest, Cuban, Leo Brouwer’s Sonate piano et fort -  as well as Beethoven’s Hammerklavier Sonata.  This contemporary music marathon went on to include Xenakis’ Eonta for piano and five brass from the LAPO.  The rehearsal was attended by Olivier Messiaen, a personal friend of Iannis Xenakis and his composition teacher, who personally corrected the brass parts during rehearsal.  His wife, Yvonne Loriod, was also present at rehearsal, along with comedian Danny Kaye!